Then MID-WINTER-Break Came along and we spent some much needed Mommy and kids time together. We spent a day at the Grand Rapids Children Museum. And then exploring some alley's in GR.
We finally got some much anticipated SNOW- so the kids loved playing outside!
Then last week I had the privlege of joing my Son's 4th grade classes on a trip to LANSING. We got to visit the State Capital Building and the Muesum. I have never been there- and I have to admit it was very neat experience! I really just want to go back to wander around and really take it all in!!! There was sooo much to see and sooo many AMAZING, Beautiful details!
These are what school portraits use to look like:)
The kids got to sit in old school desks and learn about school "way back when".
THIS IS exactally why I LOVE my Front Porch- love having porch night with FRIENDS' and hope my kids grow up loving our front porch - just as much as I do. SOOO many memories to be made!
Grand Rapids Children's Muesum
I love seeing how things use to be!
For not having MONEY back then- everything has soo much character and details- I LOVE THAT!
1st car assmebly line- WOW
Can only DREAM of gas prices like that!!!!
Building with PVC pipes:)
Michigan's State Capital Building!
Hallways in the state capital building.
This is looking UP into the middle of the state capital building! GORGEOUS- Everything in the state capital building is HAND PAINTED- over 9 yards of hand painting( that is over 9 football fields). AMAZING
Me having fun with mirrors at the children's muesum
My son's class being talked to during a tour of the state capital building.
Glass tile floor at the State Capital Building
Governor's office
OH NO... My Free spirited Paige will give us a run for our Money- well she already does-LOL

Back at the Lansing Muesum
Grand Rapids building- and my Girls'
The Girls' made a snow friend!
Fun in the SNOW!
Grand Rapids Children's Museum
Here's too the snow days- turning into cloudy, rainy days- hoping for some SUNNY days to bring on the warmer weather and SPRING FLOWERS:)