For those of you that don't know- I live in MI and we are sooo blessed with 4 SEASONS~ I love every one of the seasons:) But Spring is something Special to me. It's a Great Reminder that God has granted all of us who believe with NEW BEGINNINGS:) With Easter coming this week I have been reflecting the importance of Jesus and all he has GIVEN to ME. I have been a Christian since a young child- And through the years I have had ups and downs just like we all do~ BUT The last 3 years have been one's that I never imagined I would have to go through- experience - and learn from! I am THANKFUL I have GOD in my life- because without my FAITH - I honestly don't know how I would have made it through some days/nights!!! For those of you that don't know, my divorce was final in January:( Now that is something I don't think I will ever get use to saying- But it is what it is and I know with all my Heart that I TRIED to save my marriage and I fought with all I had to keep my family together. And for as hard is it is to understand I guess, God has different plans for us. I have struggled with a lot over these pass couple of years- but through it all I have LEARNED and I have been BLESSED!!! I choose from the beginning of this journey to remain Positive and Faithful and TODAY- I can proudly say, "I DID IT!!!" I have come a long way- and through it all I trusted GOD, trusted my heart/gut and believed GOOD will COME- and NEW BEGINNINGS are here this spring!!! 
The LIGHT shines through in my life- Through my kids I have learned nothing else matters but our happiness . I am finding my self again and am reminded this SPRING more than ever that I am given a NEW BEGINNING and someday a Life of Everlasting<3
My life may not be as I have Planned- but it IS WHAT GOD had PLANNED....
I have cried many tears- but I have smiled more- BECAUSE I choose to be reminded daily of all that surrounds me- and BEAUTY is EVERYWHERE.
I've been enjoying some of the editing techniques I have been learning from some Photography Friends:)
Happiness is found even in the darkest of Places in LIFE- Sometimes we just have to look a bit harder- or OPEN OUR EYES- It is THERE!!!
I was driving the other day with a friend, fellow Photographer- Kristen Neuman when right in front of us flies a BALD EAGLE! I couldn't believe it- I love eagles(maybe because I was raised a Hudsonville Eagle-LOL) but still there it was~ Thank goodness we had our cameras- so we pulled over and started snapping! I really wish I would have had time to change lens- set the camera- but it really don't matter to me- cause I did get a couple of pics and it was a experience I won't forget!
SOOO Powerful- yet graceful! I was in awe watching it FLY- I have found it is time to really let go of the pass and dream again- time to open my wings- and SOAR the open skies of possibilities! Time to Believe in myself and FLY!
Although I find it hard to post on the blog everyday- I do take pics EVERY DAY!!!! I challenge myself to play with the camera- lens- settings- manually setting the camera and getting to know the ins and outs of Photography! I push my self to experiment with it and with what I take pics of. Yes, many days it is taking pics of my kids, our everyday lives- details of our lives- but others, I focus on nature and sooo much more! There is a WHOLE WORLD out there to explore and to capture through photographs:)
March was a extremely WARM- even HOT month- I took this the 1st 80 degree day- I love to be bare foot- at my parents visiting - watching my kids play in the yard I grew up- and have a lil' wine with my parent's. I am sooo blessed to have Parent's that have been Married 35 Years and have shown us what FAMILY is:)
The kids didn't have any snow days this year- but they did have one FOG DELAY!
Thanks for taking time to Visit my BLOG- Thanks for supporting me- Thanks for Helping my DREAMS come true. Take time to open your eyes- look around and SMILE! SEE your accomplishments- SEE the Beauty and BLESSINGS in your LIFE!!!! SOAR- Laugh- Love- LIVE- and DREAM!!!!
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