This has been on my Heart for some time now, to share with all of you... With the Permission of my Good Friends' to share I am...
Oct. 14th, 2012 will never be forgotten by me or so many other loved ones'.
I have written and re-written this blog a few times now... not sure where to begin or where to go from here.... just knowing that I want to share that GOD's LOVE IS REAL! ( this is a emotional post so you may need some tissues)
Ok, So I think I need to go back a ways- you will need a bit of history... Kevin and Kara are my neighbors and have been for YEARS. So, we have been there as our families have Grown, through the ups and downs of life. They have been there for me especially the last few years as I have gone through a divorce. I can't explain how many times it seems they come to the "rescue". A unexpected visit- listening ears, advice, laughter, unexpected diners, help with yard work and soo much more. I honestly don't think they know how much I appreciate their friendship and ALL that goes with it!!! I love the fun and laughter our kids have as they play together. And find it adorable to watch their friendships grow as they grow. So, as we found out the news that their family was growing ~ Kara was expecting their 4th baby:)our excitement grew! As the due date grew closer the kids got more and more excited... It was a surprise what the sex of the baby was! Everyone had their guesses in... every time my kids saw one of their kids outside they would ask- "is there a baby yet?" The due date was days' away and Kara was feeling "Ready". On Sunday, Oct. 14th my phone rang at around 10am... Their name came up on caller id- so I ran for the phone... Thinking church is going on- and she must have went into labor and needs me to come get the kids, because their parents' are at church". I couldn't wait to hear the news... but instead Kara was Crying... I couldn't understand.. what??? What is going on? Her words broke my heart into a million pieces- I can' t even imagine how they felt..... HUNTER JOHN was born at 6:29am. BUT he was born into the ARMS of GOD. My mind- my heart searched for words - anything to say to make this moment go away- to make it all better! As I sat there trying to find the right words Kara went on to ask a favor- the hospital photographer wasn't available- they wanted me to come up to take some pics of Hunter, to capture his Baptism and the families with Hunter. OF Course, I would be there... Of course I would help in any way I could.
When I got to the hospital there were tears, there was a room filled with loved ones, there were smiles as I got to meet Hunter. He was Perfect, he looked just like his big Brother- and just like the other 3 he had a head full of hair and a few curls. The next few hours seem like a blur to me.... but also seems sooo DISTINCT in my memories of that day. I will forever hold that day in my heart as a day my Heart was blessed to witness a family FULL of LOVE, FULL of GOD's HOPES... My Friends' were surrounded by family and friends' that are also Christian.... And as I stood back and snapped pictures, I witnessed over and over again the LOVE - God's presence in that room was known. It may not be seen, but it was FELT....My heart ached for all of them, for a family that Hunter would never get to know. That non of use would watch Hunter Grown up and do all the cute, fun things boy's bring to our lives. Sooo many mixed emotions filled my heart- so many questions, "WHY" ??? Why this family, why this baby, why now, WHY????? But as the moments came and went the week ahead I stood back even in more awe. This family is a true testament to GOD's love for us and I saw that over and over again!!! Being at the Hospital that day was by far one of the hardest things I have ever had to do... editing all the pics and reliving the day each time I edited a picture was so hard. BUT through all of that I can't imagine how it really feels to lose a child- if it hurt to see friends go through all of it... I don't want to imagine or know. It changed me... yet it blessed me and for the better. It has opened my eyes to a lot and my Heart.
Kara has had a blog over the years and through her blog she has shared her story.... Her words are so strong, and so honest.
I am going to leave you all with just a few Pictures of that day~ Pictures that are very dear to our hearts...
The kids made these bracelets for Hunter.
It was a Rainy day- but just after Hunter was baptized the clouds opened up and the sun began to shine. 
I am blessed to know this family and even more blessed to call them my "FRIENDS"!!!
Oct. 14th, 2012 will never be forgotten by me or so many other loved ones'.
I have written and re-written this blog a few times now... not sure where to begin or where to go from here.... just knowing that I want to share that GOD's LOVE IS REAL! ( this is a emotional post so you may need some tissues)
Ok, So I think I need to go back a ways- you will need a bit of history... Kevin and Kara are my neighbors and have been for YEARS. So, we have been there as our families have Grown, through the ups and downs of life. They have been there for me especially the last few years as I have gone through a divorce. I can't explain how many times it seems they come to the "rescue". A unexpected visit- listening ears, advice, laughter, unexpected diners, help with yard work and soo much more. I honestly don't think they know how much I appreciate their friendship and ALL that goes with it!!! I love the fun and laughter our kids have as they play together. And find it adorable to watch their friendships grow as they grow. So, as we found out the news that their family was growing ~ Kara was expecting their 4th baby:)our excitement grew! As the due date grew closer the kids got more and more excited... It was a surprise what the sex of the baby was! Everyone had their guesses in... every time my kids saw one of their kids outside they would ask- "is there a baby yet?" The due date was days' away and Kara was feeling "Ready". On Sunday, Oct. 14th my phone rang at around 10am... Their name came up on caller id- so I ran for the phone... Thinking church is going on- and she must have went into labor and needs me to come get the kids, because their parents' are at church". I couldn't wait to hear the news... but instead Kara was Crying... I couldn't understand.. what??? What is going on? Her words broke my heart into a million pieces- I can' t even imagine how they felt..... HUNTER JOHN was born at 6:29am. BUT he was born into the ARMS of GOD. My mind- my heart searched for words - anything to say to make this moment go away- to make it all better! As I sat there trying to find the right words Kara went on to ask a favor- the hospital photographer wasn't available- they wanted me to come up to take some pics of Hunter, to capture his Baptism and the families with Hunter. OF Course, I would be there... Of course I would help in any way I could.
When I got to the hospital there were tears, there was a room filled with loved ones, there were smiles as I got to meet Hunter. He was Perfect, he looked just like his big Brother- and just like the other 3 he had a head full of hair and a few curls. The next few hours seem like a blur to me.... but also seems sooo DISTINCT in my memories of that day. I will forever hold that day in my heart as a day my Heart was blessed to witness a family FULL of LOVE, FULL of GOD's HOPES... My Friends' were surrounded by family and friends' that are also Christian.... And as I stood back and snapped pictures, I witnessed over and over again the LOVE - God's presence in that room was known. It may not be seen, but it was FELT....My heart ached for all of them, for a family that Hunter would never get to know. That non of use would watch Hunter Grown up and do all the cute, fun things boy's bring to our lives. Sooo many mixed emotions filled my heart- so many questions, "WHY" ??? Why this family, why this baby, why now, WHY????? But as the moments came and went the week ahead I stood back even in more awe. This family is a true testament to GOD's love for us and I saw that over and over again!!! Being at the Hospital that day was by far one of the hardest things I have ever had to do... editing all the pics and reliving the day each time I edited a picture was so hard. BUT through all of that I can't imagine how it really feels to lose a child- if it hurt to see friends go through all of it... I don't want to imagine or know. It changed me... yet it blessed me and for the better. It has opened my eyes to a lot and my Heart.
Kara has had a blog over the years and through her blog she has shared her story.... Her words are so strong, and so honest.
I am going to leave you all with just a few Pictures of that day~ Pictures that are very dear to our hearts...
The kids made these bracelets for Hunter.

I am blessed to know this family and even more blessed to call them my "FRIENDS"!!!
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