What a CRISP, Beautiful Morning it was in MI. I took a hour to myself today ~ Got some coffee, grabbed my camera and took a drive. I spent a hour just driving and enjoying all the snow covered trees, blue skies and the sunshine! It was a much needed morning of "ME TIME". We all need to take time to do stuff we enjoy- Time to feel HAPPY and FREE. It may only last for a few minutes- for a few hours or a day or night, but it does a SOUL Good! Give it a Try... Make time for YOU!
When I am in need of Me time- often I will take a walk in nature or take a drive in unknow places to me. With a camera in hand and after a few snaps of pictures I will feel a peace- I LOVE. A feeling of excitement and calmness that I forget most of the time. Being in nature- surrounded by GOD's Beauty gives me Peace- gives me perspective in my life- it reminds me to be THANKFUL:)
This a Fun, Little Splash Pad my kids enjoy in the Summertime.
Hope you enjoy these Pics- as much as I enjoy taking them!
Have a Blessed Day~ Take time to slow down every now and then- it does you GOOD!!!
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